Do you know you can read books to earn PDUs. You can claim 1 PDU per hour listening to a audio book. Ensure you write down what you learned so you have evidence log if you need your PDU submission gets audited by the PMI. You can also listen to podcasts to earn PDUs.
As a project manager you can always be improving and learning. As I’m primarily focused in Agile project management that is my focus for technical project management vs scope, budget, risk, change project management books.
These are some of my favourite project management books…
- Technical Project Management
- Being an Effective Project Manager: Your Guide to Becoming a Project Management Rock Star
- Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers
- Accidental Project Manager: Zero to Hero in 7 Days
- Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time
- Doing Agile Right: Transformation Without Chaos
- People Management
- The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management
- Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers: The People Skills You Need to Achieve Outstanding Results
- Conversations that Get Results and Inspire Collaboration: Engage Your Team, Your Peers, and Your Manager to Take Action
- The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
- Strategic Doing: Ten Skills for Agile Leadership
- Strategic & Business Management
Technical Project Management
Being an Effective Project Manager: Your Guide to Becoming a Project Management Rock Star
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 3 Hours

Being an effective project manager is a comprehensive guide to becoming a successful project manager. It covers topics such as essential skills for project managers, planning and organizing projects, leading and motivating teams, and dealing with various stakeholders. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The author presents some good insights into management. It provides a good overview of the skills and knowledge needed to be an effective project manager and includes many helpful tips and advice. The book is a must-have for any project manager who wishes to understand their role and how to best play it.
Key Take-away:
The key takeaway from this is that the project manager is actively involved from the start of the project. There are responsibilities they can delegate, but in other, they have to be present in the best way they can.
Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 14 Hours

Review: Coaching Agile Teams is a handy guide for anyone who wants to learn more about coaching agile teams. It covers topics such as the coach’s role, working with agile teams, and using coaching techniques to help teams achieve their goals. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The book is well-written and informative in the field of management. It provides a good overview of the coach’s role and the techniques that can be used to help agile teams achieve success. The book comes in handy for the project manager as it gives them a guide in delegating and directing responsibilities based on strength.
Key Take-away:
The key takeaway is that the coach’s role is essential for agile teams. A project manager needs to be able to evaluate the potential and talents of teams in the project and assign jobs where everyone can perform their best.
Accidental Project Manager: Zero to Hero in 7 Days
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 2 Hours

Accidental Project Manager is a quick and easy guide for anyone who wants to learn more about becoming a project manager. It covers topics such as the basics of project management, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The books are informative to amateur project managers and ways to leverage themselves for quick growth. It provides a good overview of the basics of project management and includes lots of helpful tips and advice. I would recommend it to a beginning project manager who would wish to have a beginning with minimal mistakes possible.
Key Take-away:
The biggest lesson from the book is that a project beginner lever can get access to tools and steps that would see them have minimalized errors at the entry-level and see projects through.
Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 6 Hours

Scrum is a quick and easy guide for anyone who wants to learn more about agile project management. It covers scrum basics, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The book is informative and interesting. It provides a good overview of scrum basics and includes many helpful tips and advice. A project manager can extrapolate the lessons from Scrum to run their errands.
Key Take-away:
The point to note from the book is that agile project management is about working collaboratively with teams and stakeholders. It’s important to have a good understanding of Scrum’s basics and be able to adapt and adjust as needed effectively.
Doing Agile Right: Transformation Without Chaos
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 7 Hours

Doing Agile Right is a handy guide for anyone who wants to learn more about agile transformation. It covers topics such as the role of the scrum master, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
I found it to have some interesting insights. It provides a good overview of the basics of agile transformation and includes lots of helpful tips and advice. A project manager needs to have the book on their shelves to learn various ways to go about the chaos amidst the project.
Key Take-away:
The point to note is how the book points out the things that lead to indifferences in project implementation. Project managers ought to be able to resolve the issues and make everyone get past the chaos and invest in the project.
People Management
The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 19 Hours
The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management is a comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to learn more about project management. It covers topics such as the basics of project management, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The book is an exciting piece that alludes to sports. It provides a good overview of the basics of project management and includes lots of helpful tips and advice. The different roles and positions in a project are similar to that in the MBA games; the success is dependent on everyone player doing what they can do best.
Key Take-away:
There is a lot a project manager has to put to their sleeves. It’s important to have a good understanding of all the different aspects of the role and to be able to juggle multiple tasks and priorities simultaneously effectively. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to project management, so it’s crucial to adapt and adjust as needed.
Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers: The People Skills You Need to Achieve Outstanding Results
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 9 Hours
Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to learn more about emotional intelligence and how to apply it to project management. It covers topics such as the basics of emotional intelligence, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
Being in a position to understand the emotions of others and those of oneself. It provides a good overview of the basics of emotional intelligence and includes lots of helpful tips and advice. It is a must-read for project managers who wish to employ harmonious problems resolution throughout the project.
Key Take-away:
The key takeaway is that emotional intelligence is an important skill for project managers. It’s essential to understand and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence can help you achieve better results, build stronger relationships, and resolve conflicts more effectively.
Conversations that Get Results and Inspire Collaboration: Engage Your Team, Your Peers, and Your Manager to Take Action
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 8 Hours

Conversations that Get Results and Inspire Collaboration is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to learn more about how to have effective conversations. It covers topics such as the basics of effective communication, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The book is informative and interesting. It provides a good overview of the basics of effective communication and includes lots of helpful tips and advice. The book has got some good tips for the professional management of a team, particularly communication.
Key Take-away:
The key takeaway is that effective communication is essential for successful project management. It’s important to communicate effectively with teams, stakeholders, and managers to achieve results. The book provides many helpful tips on doing this, such as using active listening skills, being clear and concise, and setting expectations.
The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 6 Hours
The Culture Code is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to learn more about creating a successful culture. It covers culture basics, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The book talks about the bonding and the way of a group of people. It provides a good overview of the basics of culture and includes lots of helpful tips and advice. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about how to create a successful culture.
Key Take-away:
The key takeaway from this book is that culture is important for successful project management. It’s essential to create a culture that supports your team and helps them achieve their goals. The book provides many helpful tips on how to do this, such as setting the right tone, fostering accountability, and building trust, which is needed in an organization for all managers to have something that all people embrace from the heart.
Strategic Doing: Ten Skills for Agile Leadership
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 5 Hours
Strategic Doing is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to learn more about being an agile leader. It covers topics such as the basics of agile leadership, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The focus of the book is the profile of an agile leader. It provides a good overview of the basics of agile leadership and includes lots of helpful tips and advice. Anyone in a position of authority ought to quickly adapt and adjust to situations.
Key Take-away:
The key takeaway from this book is that agile leadership is essential for successful project management. It’s important to be able to lead your team in an agile way, and the book provides lots of helpful tips on how to do this. The book covers setting the right tone, fostering accountability, and building trust. These are all essential skills for an agile leader and manager.
Strategic & Business Management
Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 9 Hours

Leaders Eat Last is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to learn more about creating a successful team. It covers topics such as the basics of team-building, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The book dwells much on building teams. It provides a good overview of the basics of team-building and includes lots of helpful tips and advice. Everyone in a position of authority needs to know how to bring different people who are unique to come together to work as a unit.
Key Take-away:
The key takeaway from this book is that project management is about the cohesiveness of people to work as a unit, regardless of their intrinsic differences as people. It’s important to build a strong team that can work together effectively. The book provides many helpful tips on doing this, such as setting the right tone, fostering accountability, and building trust. These are all essential skills for any good team.
Good to Great
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 10 Hours

Good to Great is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to learn more about how to make their company successful. It covers topics such as business basics, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The books prompt one to think in the lines of a business person. It provides a good overview of business basics and includes lots of helpful tips and advice. A project manager and everyone within a company ought to know how to align themselves with the goals of a business.
Key Take-away:
The key takeaway from this book is that business is essential for successful project management. It’s important to understand business concepts if you want to succeed in project management. The book puts into the heart of a manager the concept of reducing cost and aiming for profit by remaining within the business’s goals.
Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t, Rockefeller Habits 2.0
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 8 Hours

Scaling Up is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to learn more about making their company successful. It covers topics such as business basics, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The book focuses on corporate success. It provides a good overview of business basics and includes lots of helpful tips and advice. It is a must-read for project managers and everyone in business in a position of authority.
Key Take-away:
The key take away from this book is that thinking from a business perspective helps one weight all the options. It’s important to understand business concepts if you want to succeed in project management. The book provides a good overview of business basics and includes many helpful tips and advice.
Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 7 Hours

Traction is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to learn more about making their company successful. It covers topics such as business basics, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The book is a wake-up call to be conversant with everything that entails ones’ position. It provides a good overview of business basics and includes many helpful tips and advice. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about how to make their company successful.
Key Take-away:
The key takeaway from this book is that one ought to know how to manage their business. It’s essential to understand business concepts to succeed in project management. The book provides a good overview of business basics, all of which a project manager needs to succeed by doing all that is pertinent to their responsibilities.
Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love
Duration (PDU Reading Claim): 7 Hours
Inspired is a helpful guide for anyone who wants to learn more about how to make their company successful. It covers topics such as business basics, working with teams and stakeholders, and using tools and templates. The book also includes case studies and real-world examples to help illustrate the concepts presented.
The book is something I would highly recommend for every management level. It teaches about focusing on the client, as they are the reason to be in business. Their satisfaction is what creates more business or cripples it.
Key Take-away:
The key takeaway is that customer satisfaction is the backbone of every business. It’s important to understand business concepts if you want to succeed in project management. Provides insights and tips to understand the clients’ needs and work towards meeting the specific one for customer returns and count on them to bring others. Customers are the reason to being in business in the first place.