I created this Head First PMP review so you can easily see the benefits of the book and figure out if its suitable for you. Originally when I attempted the PMP© I only read the PMBOK© and while I thought I understood the book and the processes it turned out I didn’t at all. When starting studying for the second time I purchased Andy Crowe’s The PMP Exam: How to Pass on Your First Try and I found it very similar to the PMBOK© in its delivery of content.
For this reason, I looked for an alternative that made it easier to understand and remember the 47 processes PMBOK© was trying to convey. The alternative I found is Head First PMP which was the base for my study plan which lead to passing the PMP. I highly recommend this book for anyone new to the PMP process or who struggled reading the PMBOK©.
PRO’s of Head First PMP
1. Meta-Cognition Delivery of Content
The best thing about Head First is it gets the reader to think about the issue with a real life situation so they can relate to it and understand it easier. They use thoughtless similes throughout the book which helps break down the barrier of learning a daunting 47 processes. For example to convey the importance of each individual knowledge areas they used the production of a cookie which they kept the theme throughout the chapter for references.

2. Interactive Content
There is loads of interactive content for the reader to engage with from crosswords to fill in the blanks. All the interactive content is embedded into chapters so you are doing them as you are learning which is a fantastic way to ensure you completely understand what you just read. Every chapter has exam type questions at the end of them with detailed answers.
3. Pictures & Engaging
There is a lot of visual learning by putting words near graphics equals reader is twice as likely to solve problems. There is an example of this below where they are illustrating the Monitor & Control Process and Perform Integrated Change Control Process interconnections between them.

4. Makes Clear As Possible
Not only does Head First PMP provide great visual and interactive content they reiterate important concepts such as….
“No Dumb Questions” where they ask very basic questions ensuring the previous concept is extremely clear
“Exam Bullet” sections which are strategically placed throughout chapters.
“Clinic Questions” where they go through the various types of questions you can expect on the exam.
5. Free PMP Practice Exam
One of the biggest assets of the head first is the large quantity of exam questions at the end of each chapter and the full length 200 question exam at the end of the book. These questions are accompanied with detailed answer explanations ensuring you completely understand the correct answer. Head First also have a free online exam you can access here.
1. Not suitable for people looking for Revision
If your looking for quick revision or an alternative to the PMBOK© the Head First PMP is not a viable option. It is 980 pages long and can be considered quiet drawn out but that has to be expected with all the images and interactive content.
2. Alone will not be sufficient to pass PMP
Just from my experience I didn’t feel like I had covered everything with the Head First PMP. I had gathered a good understanding of process and tools and techniques but I didn’t understand every term. I learnt this when I was attempting other practice exams and there was terms appearing I never heard of or just didn’t remember. I felt a lot more comfortable when I read Andy Crowe’s after I completed Head First but if I had to do it again I would still read Head First prior to Andy Crowes.
Conclusion on Head First PMP Review
I highly recommend Head First PMP for anyone new to the PMP process or struggled reading .the PMBOK©. It uses clever techniques to convey the PMBOK process, tools & techniques which really helps getting your head around these new concepts. You can find my complete study guide which helped me pass the PMP here.
Purchase Head First PMP via Amazon below: